Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gathering Up

When my children were small we usually didn't get very far down the trail. Little legs had a hard time walking, and they didn't really see the entertainment of just "looking around".
I introduced gathering up things along the way that they found interesting or were curious about. Along our journey they could discard them, collect something different or stuff their pockets as we explored. ( that is how many pine cones and rocks got into the washing machine)
At some point we might gather everyone together and hold our hands in a circle and take a picture. This became really fun when we were traveling, and became a way to explain the need to leave items for others to find. I highly encourage something like this for kids who like to collect, sort, stack and rearrange objects. If you are staying somewhere for a few days, assign them a log, table, or area in which to collect things to. Small laminated guides can help them sort and identify when they get a bit older.Make up a scavenger hunt; sending them out to find a handful of objects, making it more detailed and specific for older kids. 
Don't forget to snap photos... they become precious memories of those trails and explorations. 
P.S. rocks, pine cones, dead bugs, and sticks are not dirty............stinky socks are.

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